What is the difference between Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0?

What is the difference between Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0?

In recent years, the concept of Industry 4.0 has become popular both in industry and in scientific research, in order to promote high technological development. However, this term has generated confusion with its predecessor (Industry 3.0 or also called the 3rd Industrial Revolution) due to technological similarities. After all, what characterizes and differentiates these two concepts?

To sum up, the concepts of industrial revolution began in the 18th century with the 1st Industrial Revolution, which was characterized by the use of steam engines and the mechanization of the production process. In the following century (XIX), with the discovery of electricity and the concept of assembly line, in which the production process was divided into sequential stages, the 2nd Industrial Revolution emerged.

Later in the 20th century, technologies of electronic controllers and programmable computers became known. These computers and controllers, even restricted to perform a single previously programmed task, enabled the industry to automate an entire production line with practically no human intervention, giving rise to the well-known 3rd Industrial Revolution.

Nowadays, in the 21st century, there is the concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) or 4th Industrial Revolution. The first difference of the I4.0 is related to the fact that previously the technological breakthrough happened first, and later this period was recognized as an Industrial Revolution. However, now with I4.0, the opposite happens, that is, for the first time the Industrial Revolution is being planned and happening at the same time as technological discoveries.

In a nutshell, I4.0 had its implementation requirements in the 3rd Industrial Revolution, because in addition to automation, the great difference is in generating and collecting relevant data from the industrial process, communication between machines and process autonomy. For this, the main enabling technologies are the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Physical Cyber ​​System (CPS).

In this context, SystemHaus has invested heavily in the I4.0 scenario through training, initiatives with customers, private partnerships and development of scientific research with partner universities. Thus, SystemHaus intends to integrate concepts from I4.0 to Antara, in order to bring and assist its customers in the implementation of Industry 4.0.

* Text prepared by Systemhaus Team.

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