Successful Case: Gmelich + SystemHaus

Successful Case: Gmelich + SystemHaus


Gmelich, a company with worldwide relevance in the high-quality leather manufacturing industry, had its beginning in 1923. In that year, Otto Gmelich and his sons Hugo and Robert founded the business in Großbottwar, a city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

During its first years, Gmelich focused on producing leather for the shoe industry, handcrafted processed. However, in 1949, the company added to its portfolio leather for the fashion and furniture industry. Nowadays, Gmelich has more than 150 employees, and its portfolio includes the manufacturing of leather for the furniture market, both luxury and corporate, and for the aviation industry, supplying leather for the making of airplane seats.

In almost one century of existence, several changes have happened in the company. Alongside this development, it has arisen the need to invest in process improvement and new technologies to facilitate daily activities, increase productivity, and reduce cost while delivering better customer service, adding value to the final product.

In order to meet these perceived needs, the partnership between Gmelich and SystemHaus committed in January 2019, when we started the Business Blueprint and detailing of the Antara project in the German company.

To celebrate this successful partnership between Gmelich & SystemHaus, we have talked to some leaders from Gmelich about their experience with Antara. Mr. Volker Nagel, Gmelich’s CEO back in 2019; Mr. Christian Wiesner, the company’s CEO nowadays, that was also part of the project during the transition to his new position; and Mrs. Sabrina Ehmann, the project manager, and the key user of the system; they have told us about their experience with Antara.

SH - When you started looking for the management system, what were the main features that you were looking for in this system?

Gmelich - Data determination, data evaluation, quality assurance.

SH - At that moment of choice, what did you consider to be the company`s main difficulty or weakness?

Gmelich - Determine reasons for deviating quality.

SH - How did Gmelich get know about Antara system? Where did you hear about the Antara?

Gmelich - By a company from Ecuador that has been using Antara for years.

SH - How was the first contact with the Systemhaus/Antara team?

Gmelich - I was shown a video presentation.


SH - During the first contacts, what were your impressions about the explanation of the system and how it could work in your tannery?

Gmelich - The impression was good. It turned out, however, that some adjustments were still necessary in order to be able to use the program sensibly at Gmelich.

SH - What reasons led you to choose Antara as an industrial management system (ERP system) and not SAP (considering that Gmelich is a German Company)?

Gmelich: SAP is more geared towards larger medium-sized or large companies. Gmelich is a small, medium-sized company, SAP does not offer any industry-related software for Gmelich.With Antara, Systemhaus offers software for tanneries.

SH - After using the system over these almost two years, what have the perceptible gains been from the acquisition of Antara?

Gmelich - It has improved traceability of the used materials and realized production steps. Documentation of standard workflows and recipes. Automation of several steps.

SH - What is your favorite product/service feature?

Gmelich - No specific program. It’s the big pictures and the mesh of the different information and programs.

SH - Does Antara and its service help you achieve your goals?

Gmelich Yes.

SH - Do you understand that a specialist tannery company made all the difference in achieving the expected results?

Gmelich - In a special industry like tannery, it’s important to have a partner who understands the challenges and the specific workflow in the leather production.

SH - Would you recommend Antara?

Gmelich - Yes

SH - Based on the project carried out, what advice would you give to a tannery with a desire, like Gmelich, to implement a system like Antara?

Gmelich - It’s important to spend a lot of time in the creation of the masterdata as this is the basis of everything.   All departments are working with more or less the same data / programs, so they all need to work together in the implementation and need to find sometimes a middle course to satisfy all needs.

SystemHaus is very proud to contribute to this successful trajectory, from a company that has been operating for 99 years in the market and keeps developing itself in order to exceed.

Gmelich focus in the future, but it does not forget its roots, since those build its vision and mission. Such a fruitful history is what gives strength for the company to thrive and succeed, increasing day by day its participation in the global market.

We congratulate Gmelich for its successful history! You can count on us, from SystemHaus, to achieve the upcoming challenges.

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